Psalm 23:4 - Pit Bull Translation

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
for I am the baddest dog in the valley"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Comic Sans - Love it or Hate it ?

I admit it, I love comic sans. I'm going to make a bumper sticker that says just that. Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, I don't do bumper stickers. Okay, how about a magnet. "Don't hate me because I heart Comic Sans."

I know it is vilified by font elitists everywhere. I don't care. Now, of course, I know it doesn't belong in certain places, resumes and business letters come to mind. But if I want to type all my personal email in comic sans I'm going to and if you don't like it there's this key with "delete" written on it that I'm sure is fully functional on your keyboard.

Tough crap...font elitists, grammar police and food snobs everywhere can pound sand for all I care. I'm continuing to hold my head high as I sprinkle Jane's Crazy Mixed Up Salt on my food, use run on sentences, dangle my participles and send emails using comic sans.

Woe, you ask, how the heck did the grammar police and food snobs get sucked into my rant on font elitists. It just popped into my head so I let it run right out my fingers. It's why I have a blog in the first place. Have a great day!


  1. I WILL NOT pound sand!

    As a wannabe food snob and a self-proclaimed deputy of the grammar police, I have to agree that Comic Sans is fun, and sometimes it's exactly what a document needs.

    Jane's Crazy Mixed-Up Salt will always remind me of my aunt & uncle's house in Brigantine. That was where I first tasted Jane's, and I remember coating my burgers with it every chance I got. My mother was skeeved. I haven't tasted Jane's in years. I need to do something about that.

  2. Just so you know that your application to Food Snobs International will be shredded just for admitting past use of Jane's.

    Okay, I'll admit that bad grammar makes me crazy too. But I always wanted to type "dangle my pariciples" in a post.


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